Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Chapter 17 Teaser


I smiled and tried to put Bella at ease. "I was actually thinking about earlier tonight." I took a bite of the lobster puff and pretended to ruminate on its taste. "Hmmm, I don't think this is good enough for the menu at Wendy's. And the wine here – ugh, what does a CFO have to do to get a decent vanilla milkshake?"

She relaxed a fraction, the faintest hint of a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Yes, you heard me," I said mischievously. "I said vanilla."

"Oh, I heard you, Mr. Masen," she replied in amusement. "I'm just trying to picture you slurping through the straw of a disposable cup."

I frowned. "Don't call me Mr. Masen. We're not working. Not unless you plan to reboot the server at our table."

"I was joking," she assured me.

"Oh. Well, in that case, I must point out that a gentleman never slurps."


  1. I'm so excited for this chapter -- I can't *BEGIN* to tell you how much! :)
    I wonder what the inside joke is about vanilla...

  2. Please tell me you'll be posting soon!!!!!!!!!

  3. I can't wait for this chapter!!!!!! I hope it's soon.

  4. Ahhh, looking forward to it :)

  5. Totally excited! This better be a good surprise!

  6. Argh, they're so frikkin' cute!

    Looking forward to being "richly rewarded" for my patience!
