Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fandom Gives Back Teaser

"You shouldn't do that to a man when he's working with electricity," I said after the third time. "I might be electrocuted, and then where would you be?"

"Right back where I started, I'd imagine. But could you leave me your apartment? I'm kind of used to all this space now."

"Speaking of which," I said, peeking around the tree. "When are you going to give up your apartment?"

She never did like talking about her apartment. Even though she was only there a few times a month, she seemed reluctant to give it up. So I was hardly surprised when she changed the subject without giving a proper answer.

"You know, Ireland is going to be a tough act to follow. How are you going to top last Christmas?"

I gave her a knowing look, but played along nonetheless. "You're right, I'm sure there's no way I can top that," I said with a smile. "Be prepared for disappointment."

"Oh, Mr. Masen. Don't you know I'm always prepared for disappointment where you're concerned?"

"That's it," I said, coming around from the back of the tree and leaving the string of lights hanging off. "I won't have my sexual prowess impugned."

"You're so sexy when you use obscure words," she said as I took her in my arms and kissed her, my hands stroking her back under her shirt. Or rather, my shirt.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chapter 19 Teaser


Still, I didn't want to be that girl – the one who let a man treat her like crap and then accept him into her bed. I'd never let it happen before, and I didn’t want to start now. Though obviously it was too late for any take backs, I needed to make clear there wasn't going to be a repeat performance of the sex if there was a repeat performance of the attitude.

I was dreading the conversation we were inevitably going to have in the morning. Mostly because I knew once we had it, there was no going back. We would be together or I would lose him completely. My mind was whirring with the possibilities, but not surprisingly, my body was completely relaxed.

I must have dozed at some point because the next thing I knew, the sun was high in the sky and Edward was stirring behind me. I was still feeling unsure about his reaction, but took a deep breath and turned to face him, propping myself up on my elbow. Never before had a “morning after” been so heavy with ramifications.

His eyes were blinking rapidly as he took in his obviously unexpected surroundings. He sat up quickly and grabbed his watch from the bedside table, looked at it for a minute, groaned, and then lay back down.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chapter 18 Teaser

For as long as I'd been at Cullen, Inc., my behavior had never caused someone to storm out of a boardroom. But now I'd caused someone to flee a ballroom, which was infinitely worse.

Bella was right. My behavior after bumping into Carlisle had been boorish at best. Whatever I was feeling as a result of his reprimand...well, I shouldn't have taken that out on her. None of this was her fault – it was mine for being so sure Carlisle wouldn't remember her and if he did, that he would immediately accept my explanation. She deserved better and as soon as she came back to the table from wherever she'd gone, I would do whatever it took to make sure she knew that – whether Carlisle was in the same room with us or not.

Except she seemed to be taking a long time.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Chapter 17 Teaser


I smiled and tried to put Bella at ease. "I was actually thinking about earlier tonight." I took a bite of the lobster puff and pretended to ruminate on its taste. "Hmmm, I don't think this is good enough for the menu at Wendy's. And the wine here – ugh, what does a CFO have to do to get a decent vanilla milkshake?"

She relaxed a fraction, the faintest hint of a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Yes, you heard me," I said mischievously. "I said vanilla."

"Oh, I heard you, Mr. Masen," she replied in amusement. "I'm just trying to picture you slurping through the straw of a disposable cup."

I frowned. "Don't call me Mr. Masen. We're not working. Not unless you plan to reboot the server at our table."

"I was joking," she assured me.

"Oh. Well, in that case, I must point out that a gentleman never slurps."

Monday, May 16, 2011

Chapter 16 Teaser

I wasn't one of those women who had a closet full of shoes. And it had nothing to do with cost; there were plenty of stores in the city and sales were abundant. It stemmed more from my practical nature – why have more than I needed? My shoe collection consisted of a pair of running shoes, Keds, summer sandals, and a pair of pumps that matched my only formal dress. I never put much thought into my shoe collection.

Until now.

I was sitting on my couch, in the aforementioned only formal dress, holding my left pump in one hand, and the heel in the other.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Chapter 13 Teaser

"We're driving somewhere?" I asked, excited and curious about what he had planned.

"We are," he said cryptically, sipping the coffee I ordered for him. "I'm sure you've heard Somewhere, New York is a great place to visit. Their tourism campaign has been very aggressive this year."

I sat there waiting for him to elaborate while he smirked at me, obviously pleased with himself and his ability to keep a secret.

I really wanted to wait him out and pretend like I wasn't dying to know where we were going, but I'm pretty sure I lasted all of forty nine seconds.

"Come on, tell me!" I whined, kicking my feet like a petulant child.

He smiled sweetly at me, reached in the back pocket of his jeans, and slapped something on the table.